NA-KD – Unique fashion

NA-KD clothing varies between classic and trendy, party fashion, lingerie and accessories – they have it all! NA-KD only want to offer their customers the best, the latest and to the best price. The collections from NA-KD is designed with the young contemporary woman in mind, and they always want to be able to offer a complete look to each style they present for their customers.


“NA-KD customers are jaded, have seen it all and get bored fast. So we think newness and stay always ahead of the curve.”


NA-KD was launched in December 2015, and is the brainchild of the Swedish e-commerce entrepreneur Jarno Vanhatapio, who also created and turned it into the #1 online store in the Nordic and one of the leading fashion sites in Europé. NA-KD is one of Europes fastest growing companies, and since inception they have managed to build a strong brand knowledge and presence of their own brand, NA-KD. The brand is known internationally for it’s wide range of 200.000 influencer collaborations with famous fashion icons and the latest Scandinavian collaborations includes Mathilde Gøhler & Josefine HJ. In other words, NA-KD is here to stay!

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